Congrats, but also fuck you, you well-adjusted boomer. If this is your BART station, you probably own your home, drink cappuccinos slowly in front of a boutique cafe and muse over brunch while fog moistens your leg hairs because you wear your shorts above your knees. You’re basically in a quiet little suburb surrounded by the City while still being in the City. This is the Rockridge BART of San Francisco, you think it’s going to be fucking crazy because it’s San Francisco, but it’s really not. Because, you know, you’re the only one who has ever ate a fucking taco before or something. You also probably have a favorite taqueria and you scoff at anyone who dares to have a different opinion. is basically a less gentrified version of 16th St. So you’re either everything right with San Francisco or everything wrong. If you get on at 16th St., you’re either a really dope artist, an aging hipster with rent control (if so, like I said earlier, congratulations) a techie who takes selfies in front of murals (WOW, ANOTHER CLARION ALLEY SELFIE, YOU DON’T SAY BRADLEY) or a member of the quickly diminishing Latinx community that made the Mission the thriving cultural hub that it once was. ass back to New York or get a tech job so we can properly stereotype you. Where do you fucking live? Wells Fargo HQ? Take your wannabe Wall St. Okay, for one, no one fucking lives near Montgomery Street Station. Or it means you can’t really afford to live in San Francisco and you have rent control, and if you have rent control… CONGRATULATIONS, YOU LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO. And if you can afford to live in San Francisco, fuck you. If Embarcadero station is where you get on the train, congratulations you probably live in San Francisco, which means you can afford to live in San Francisco.

If someone gets on a train in Pittsburg, is the experience the same as someone who gets on the train in San Jose? The answer is a resounding ‘fuck no’, and that’s why I made this list. The Bay Area Rapid Transit, with its loud trains, lateness, general sketchiness and insanity is a rite of passage for anyone who has lived in the 9 counties that hug the shoreline of San Francisco Bay.īut not every BART station is built the same. But one thing that is synonymous with the Bay Area experience, is BART. The Bay Area is a big place with a lot of cities, and every city in the Bay can be a little different.